Stay Vigilant: Recognizing Signs of Kennel Stress

Early intervention is crucial in addressing kennel stress and preventing the escalation of problems. By recognizing the signs and taking prompt action, potential issues can be averted. Conversely, if left unaddressed, prolonged and severe stress can have detrimental effects on the immune function of dogs and pose risks to the entire kennel.
Stress is defined as anything that challenges a dog to change or adapt to new circumstances. Purina Research Scientist Ragen T.S. McGowan, PhD, says, “There are many factors that can lead to stress in dogs, and some dogs are better equipped to handle stress than others. Some individuals are easygoing, and others are more anxious, making it difficult for them to adapt readily to anything new.”
The role of stress in dogs varies, as some stress is beneficial for their development. Short-term, low-level stress during vaccinations is necessary to ensure protection against diseases like parvovirus, distemper, hepatitis, and rabies. However, dogs may experience long-term severe stress when dealing with health conditions such as cancer or autoimmune diseases.
“The stress response is normal, and in many situations of acute stress, it prepares the dog for challenges ahead,” Dr. McGowan says. “Mild short-term stressors actually help a dog to build the skills necessary to be behaviourally flexible and cope with anything that comes his way. Chronic stress, on the other hand, can be detrimental from both a behavioural and physiological standpoint. Long-term stress can be detrimental to the immune system, leaving a dog more susceptible to disease.” In a kennel environment, dogs may experience various stressors that can impact their well-being. These stressors include overcrowding, insufficient shelter or food, excessive noise, and negative or continuous threatening behaviour from other dogs.
Prioritize on Reducing Stress
Ensuring the well-being of dogs in kennels involves key practices. Offering praise, providing sufficient downtime and rest, and offering nutritious, balanced dog food is vital. Additionally, keeping vaccinations up to date reduces additional stress if a dog falls ill.
“Anytime a dog has a sudden change in behaviour and seems to be acting out of the ordinary, a veterinary evaluation is the first step to determine whether a medical issue might be at the root of this change,” advises Dr. McGowan. “If the dog is acting stressed, such as panting when it is not hot or being hypervigilant, unable to settle, excessively vocal, or reluctant to take treats, it also is important to perform environmental and social evaluations to determine potential stressors. With this information, you can develop a customized socialization program or behavioural modification plan to reduce the dog’s stress level. This may include extra time socializing outside the kennel environment or adding privacy panels in the kennel to allow for quiet time.”
“Nutrition is also important in kennels, as it helps to maintain a dog’s normal immune function and response to stress. It is well- recognized that nutritional deficiencies can compromise immune function,” says Purina Veterinary Communications Manager Laura Eirmann, DVM, DACVN, a board- certified veterinary nutritionist.
“Even in apparently healthy dogs, diet composition can fine-tune optimal immune performance,” Dr. Eirmann says. “The majority of dogs are not obviously malnourished, yet their immune systems may not be operating at optimal efficiencies, especially if they are not fed nutritionally complete and balanced diets, such as Purina Pro Plan.”
Each dog is unique, and what may be harmful or stressful to one dog's immune system may not affect another. Short periods of low-level stress are generally not detrimental. However, prolonged or severe stress can compromise immune function. By remaining vigilant for signs of stress and addressing them promptly, potential problems can be mitigated.
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*Canadian Dog Fancier survey results, November 2023
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