Dog Behaviour Articles
Dog behavior ranges from funny and adorable to odd and sometimes worrisome. At some point, virtually every dog owner has questions about the things their dogs do, such as eating grass, digging in the yard or being overly aggressive. Our behaviourists are here to help with dog behavior training ideas and tips and to answer your dog behaviour-related questions.

How to Use Dog Treats for Training, Bonding & Rewarding
Treats are a good way to reward, train and bond with your dog. Learn how many treats you should give your dog and the number of calories needed for their diet.

Dog Zoomies: Where Does All That Energy Come From?
Nearly every dog owner knows about dog zoomies: those sudden bursts of energy that have your pup shooting across the room or chasing its tail like there's a dog treat attached to the end of it. You've probably had a good laugh about your dog's case of the zoomies, but have you ever wondered where all that energy comes from and why your dog suddenly has it?

Why Do Dogs Have Whiskers?
Why do dogs have whiskers? Whiskers are to dogs what fingertips are to humans — they provide dogs with the sensory means to navigate their surroundings. Whiskers grow strategically on your dog’s face, framing their muzzle, snout, chin, and eyes. These specially tuned hairs help guide your dog through their day by providing the dog with sensory input, just as you use your fingertips, or an insect uses its antenna. Whiskers help with navigation, vision support and overall safety for your dog.

Why Do Dogs Tilt Their Heads?
Any dog owner knows pups do a lot of adorable things, from the way they bring us little gifts to the way they explode in joy when they know it's feeding time. One of their cutest — and least comprehensible — quirks is the way they tilt their heads when you talk to them. If you've ever wondered what this endearing behaviour means, dig into this guide for some theories on why dogs tilt their heads like this.

Do Dogs Smile?
Do dogs smile? You already know that your dog likes spending time with you, so why wouldn’t your dog’s smile be genuine? If you sometimes catch yourself marvelling at how human your dog can seem, then you may have caught your dog smiling at you before.

Dog Anxiety and Fear
Every dog has a unique personality, and yours is no different. Most are full of fun and curiosity, but nearly all dogs have some fears too. And while it’s only natural for dogs to be afraid of things, some dogs are more predisposed to fear than their four-legged counterparts. Your dog may suffer from anxiety about a number of things, situations or places. Knowing what causes dog anxiety and how to calm dog anxiety can be helpful to caring pet parents looking to support their pets and combat unwanted behaviour.

Do Dogs Dream?
If your dog is like most, he may bark or twitch while sleeping, leading you to ponder, “Do dogs dream?” Although there’s no way to definitively know for sure whether our canine companions dream in the same way that we do, science has determined with a fair amount of certainty that dogs probably dream.

Why Do Dogs Chase Their Tails?
If you've ever spent any time with a dog, you've probably seen him chase his tail at least once. Some dogs only do it every once in a while, but others live for the chase and can spend hours running in circles trying to catch that elusive thing following them around. In most cases, your dog chasing his tail is perfectly normal. However, if you've noticed that your dog seems to be obsessed about catching his tail or there are other indications of a health or behavioural issue, you may want to work on curbing this behaviour. Learn why dogs chase their tails below and what you can do about it if it becomes a problem.

Do Dogs See Colour?
Dogs are known for their keen sense of smell and ability to perceive human emotions and energy, but what about their eyes? You may have heard that dogs don't see colour in the full spectrum that humans do, and this is correct, but it's not all there is to the story. Below we cover how dogs see and perceive colour and some other fun facts about canine sight.

Why Is My Dog Shaking?
He's a tumbling, bumbling, beautiful four-legged ball of fur. He adores you, and you adore him. He's your best friend and he knows exactly how you feel 24/7. Sometimes, though, you might find it hard to figure him out. Why do dogs shake, for example?

Why Do Dogs Pant?
He's your bed bud, your stalwart companion, your favourite four-legged friend. He knows you inside out, and you'd do anything for him. Lately, though, he's been panting more than usual, and you're feeling a little concerned. Is it just a part of getting older, or is there something wrong with him? Why do dogs pant, anyway?

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?
If you've ever asked the question, "Why do dogs eat grass?" you may have heard answers that cover everything from boredom and hunger to being sick. However, eating grass is actually a normal behaviour for dogs, and most dogs will eat grass at some point in their lives. Here's an overview of why your dog may be eating grass and what you need to do about it.