Cat Articles
When it comes to caring for your cat, you need to get your information from an expert. To see what Purina’s experts have to say about cat nutrition, behavior, development, training and more, explore all our articles below.

Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet?
Discover the answer to the common question 'do cats always land on their feet?' Learn the science behind your favourite feline companion's ability to flip.

Why Do Cats Like Boxes?
Even if you spend hundreds of dollars on the latest in cat toy technology, nothing seems to compare to a simple cardboard box. You might be wondering exactly why cats like boxes so much, but to your cat, the answer is simple. From nap time to play time, boxes are an appropriate accompaniment to any feline activity.

Why Do Cats Lick Their Owners?
Having a cat can bring a lot of joy to your life. They have so much personality and seem to always be running around doing something cute or quirky. Whether it's climbing the curtains or trying to dig up your favourite potted plant, your cat is never short on things to do. But what about when the attention turns to you? While it's not something that all cats do, some owners wonder, "Why does my cat lick me?"

How to Train a Kitten
Training your kitten is an important part of making sure that they grow up to be a healthy, happy, well-behaved cat. But cats also have distinct personality traits that mean they need to be handled and trained in a certain way to be cooperative. The earlier you start training the better, so we've compiled a list of tips and tricks for how to train your kitten right from the start.

Why Do Cats Spray?
Your cat sprays to mark his territory, an instinctive behaviour that goes back to his ancestral hunting days. Spraying behaviour is typically seen in unneutered male cats (although somewhat common in females too) and was once used by the cat to let other cats know that the area in question had been claimed and any prey to be found is scarce. Spraying behaviour usually goes away with neutering.

All About Kitten Teething
Kittens don’t have visible teeth when they’re born — just like baby humans. Their milk teeth emerge a few weeks after birth, and their adult teeth arrive on the scene a few months later. Some kittens are unfazed by teething, while others feel miserable; most mini felines fall somewhere in the middle of the kitten teething scale.

How to Get a Cat to Take a Pill
Not sure how to give a cat a pill? You're not alone. Pet owners often dread administering prescriptions to their feline friends, since cats are notorious for spitting out pills or unleashing teeth or claws.

Why Does My Cat Have Urine Crystals?
There are many potential causes for cat urine crystals to occur in your feline friend. Sometimes the crystals are triggered by dehydration and can be remedied by simply increasing her daily water intake. However, urinary crystals can also be a sign of more serious issues, such as a bladder infection.

Why Do Cats Have Whiskers?
Whiskers on cats, although super-cute, have quite a number of important functions. From helping your cat judge distance to assisting your kitty with seeing things close to them, whiskers are quite remarkable.

Why Is My Cat Always Hungry? 7 Reasons Your Cat's Appetite Has Increased
Is your cat meowing near the food bowl more than usual? Cats are often finicky eaters rather than food-obsessed felines, so it's normal to worry when your furry friend develops a never-ending appetite. In fact, many pet owners panic when something changes in their cat's routine, but there's often an explanation.

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?
If you've observed your cat for any length of time, you might have noticed that she spends a lot of time in kitty dreamland. From early kittenhood to the senior years of a cat's life, sleep takes up a significant portion of a feline's daily schedule. When you're contemplating why cats sleep so much, the answer lies in feline biology.

Why Do Cats Love Catnip?
From darting around the house to rolling in the herbaceous scent, your cat's reaction to catnip is as individual as she is. Your fluffy friend may love the stuff, or she could be indifferent to its effects. Knowing how catnip works can help you understand your own feline companion better, and it can give you a safe, fun way to make her day.

Kitten Not Eating? How to Help Your New Friend
She first appeared on your radar a few weeks ago — a gorgeous bundle of fur with big ears and a bigger personality — and now she's come to join your family. You spent hours online researching and buying the best cat bed, the most exciting toys, the leading litter and the finest kitty food. You're all set. Then the big day arrives, and she turns her nose up at your carefully selected kibble. So, why is your kitten not eating?