Understanding Cat Health
When you understand cat health, you can better care for your own kitty. Our experts explain everything you need to know about keeping your cat healthy and happy. Whether you’re wondering why your cat’s sneezing or want to know if your kitty is overweight, we’ve got the information you’re looking for.

Your Cat's Healthy Skin and Coat
A cat's skin and coat are among the most visible signs of health and vitality. The skin and coat are of vital importance to the body's protective mechanisms against environmental assaults of all kinds: from infectious agents to temperature changes.

Wet vs. Dry Cat Food: Which is Better?
Some cat owners prefer to feed their cats wet food. Others prefer dry kibble. Trying to decide between wet vs. dry cat food? Find out what our experts recommend when it comes to feeding your cat.

What is the Difference Between Natural and Organic Cat Food?
More than ever, people are seeking out natural and organic cat food options for their cats.
That’s because people are more aware of unwanted ingredients in their food. There are plenty of natural and organic dry and wet cat food options on the shelves. Understanding the difference between the two can be a challenge, though.
Knowing the difference will help you choose the right kind of food for your cat.

What Are Probiotics for Cats?
Discover the benefits of probiotics for cats. Learn how they work, their benefits, and when to give them. Find out how probiotics can help your cat stay healthy and happy.

How to Support Your Cat’s Microbiome & Gut Health
Learn how to support your cat's gut health and microbiome, which is made up of a wide range of bacteria and drives digestion and supports a healthy immune system.

How Much Should I Feed My Cat?
Wondering how much food your cat should be eating each day? Your cats age & lifestyle should be considered. Follow these steps to determine how much to feed your cat.

Cat Over-Grooming
Cats can spend up to half their waking hours grooming their coats. On occasion, though, you may notice your cat spending far more time than normal taking care of themselves. If your cat is over-grooming, there's a good chance they're reacting negatively in some way to their living environment.

Does My Cat Have Allergies?
Cats are pretty resilient creatures, but sometimes our furry friends can come down with mysterious symptoms that mimic those of human allergies. Unfortunately, it can be pretty hard to pin down what's causing them — and it's certainly no fun watching your kitties when they're in obvious discomfort.

Why Is My Cat Drinking a Lot of Water?
Water is an important substance, and every living thing depends on it — including your cat. But it's also possible for too much water to make your cat sick. If you think your cat is drinking more than usual or may be drinking too much water, it's important to get them checked out by a veterinarian to rule out any illnesses or other issues.

Feline Acne: What Is Cat Acne and What Can You Do About It?
You've probably experienced your share of acne at one time or another, but did you know that your cat can have breakouts too? Acne is really just an infection of the skin, usually at the hair follicle. Any animal can experience it. If you've noticed that your cat has pimples along their chin or other areas of the skin, they may have feline acne.

Cat Ticks and What You Need to Know
If you've ever lived in wooded areas or near grassy fields, you've probably had some firsthand experience with unpleasant problems caused by ticks. These tiny parasites commonly hop on humans while they're hiking, camping or otherwise spending time outdoors. Ticks can also be a nuisance for your kitty.

How to Identify Ringworm in Cats
As a cat owner, ringworm is one of those words you don't want to hear when visiting the vet. Ringworm in cats is a zoonotic fungal skin condition that's highly contagious and can spread to other animals. In addition, it can be passed to humans by infected animals. That's why it's so important to get your cat to the vet as soon as you see any signs or symptoms of ringworm.

A Guide to Understanding Pancreatitis in Cats
The pancreas is a small organ responsible for important functions. When it becomes inflamed, this condition is called pancreatitis. Pancreatitis in cats is a common disease and can have lasting consequences on their health if left untreated. This guide provides an in-depth pancreatitis definition and explains what symptoms and causes you should be looking for as well as when to take your cat for veterinary care.