A lot of dogs love fruit, but not all types of fruit are good for them. In fact, some are even toxic. If you’re like most dog owners, you’ve probably wondered, “Can my dog eat this?” on more than one occasion.
You may have even wondered, “Can dogs eat mango?” Tropical fruits like mango, which are popular during the summer months when they’re in season, can make a tasty treat for your dog. Not all parts of the mango are safe for dogs to eat, though. Keep reading to find out how to feed your dog mango safely.
Can Dogs Have Mango?
Yes, dogs can eat mango. It’s a sweet and tasty treat and the soft flesh is easy for dogs to eat. Like many other fruits and berries, mangoes are a safe people food for your pup.
Are Mangoes Good for Dogs?
Not only are mangoes safe for dogs to eat, but they’re also good for them. Mangoes contain essential vitamins like A, B6, C and E, making it a nutritious treat for your pup.
When are Mangoes Bad for Dogs?
Although considered a safe and healthy treat, not all parts of a mango are good for your dog. The skin is technically edible, but it may be difficult for some dogs to digest. Mango pits are a choking hazard and could create an intestinal blockage if consumed. The pit also contains cyanide, which is toxic to dogs.
In addition to these risks, fruits like mangoes contain a lot of fibre, which most dogs aren’t used to. As a result, your dog could end up with an upset stomach or diarrhea. If he eats sweet fruits too often, it may contribute to dental decay.
Purina Senior Nutritionist Jan Dempsey advises, “To avoid feeding too much fruit, it’s a good idea to offer different types of treats on different days. This has the added bonus of keeping your dog interested in what’s coming next!”
How to Serve Mango for Dogs
Before feeding your dog mango, consult with your veterinarian. They can tell you how much you can give him and how often.
Peel the mango and remove the pit before giving any to your dog. For smaller dogs, you can cut the fruit into smaller chunks, but the soft flesh is easy for larger breeds to eat. In addition to serving it fresh, frozen mango is also a fun and tasty treat, especially during the summer.
Keep Treats to a Minimum
When treating your dog to anything other than his regular food, Dempsey recommends the 90/10 rule: Any treats, no matter how healthy, should only comprise 10 percent of your dog’s daily caloric intake. The other 90 percent should come from his dog food.
Always check with your veterinarian before feeding your dog any new people food. Doing so ensures your dog doesn’t eat anything toxic and maintains safe, healthy amounts. In addition to answering the question “Can dogs eat mangoes?” our experts have answered questions about other fruits, vegetables and more.
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