Cat Articles
When it comes to caring for your cat, you need to get your information from an expert. To see what Purina’s experts have to say about cat nutrition, behavior, development, training and more, explore all our articles below.

Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet?
Discover the answer to the common question 'do cats always land on their feet?' Learn the science behind your favourite feline companion's ability to flip.

When to Switch from Kitten Food to Cat Food
Kitten food is specially formulated to meet your kitten’s unique nutritional needs. Learn when to make the switch from kitten to adult wet and dry cat food.

How Much Should I Feed My Kitten?
Choosing the right food for your kitten is an important decision. Nutrition supports her growth, development and can even affect her behaviour.

New Kitten Checklist: What Does a Kitten Need?
What does a kitten need in a new home? Beds, toys, litter boxes, grooming tools, food & other supplies are needed when bringing a kitten home. Read about the checklist of items your new kitten needs here.

Average Cat Weight – What is a Healthy Cat Weight?
What is an average cat weight? Learn from Purina’s experts about average cat weight and how to determine if your cat is the right size. Read tips for keeping your cat active, healthy, and happy.

Should I Adopt a Kitten?
Are you prepared to bring a kitten home? Read Purina’s questions to ask yourself before you adopt and how to choose the kitten that’s right for you.

What Should I Consider Before Getting a Cat?
Think about cost, lifestyle, environment, and more before getting a cat

Can Cats Eat Blueberries?
Yes. Although cats are obligate carnivores – meaning they need to eat meat to survive – they don’t have to eat meat exclusively. Cats can also eat foods that provide protein and carbohydrates like blueberries, vegetables and grains.

Why Do Cats Fight?
Why do cats fight? You’re not the first distressed pet parent to ask this question, and you certainly won’t be the last. Cats, it seems, are somewhat predisposed to fighting with both their feline housemates and neighbourhood cats that cross their paths. Luckily, you can prevent some catfights with a little effort and knowledge about the innate feline instincts that drive this type of unwanted and stressful behaviour.

Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet?
Discover the answer to the common question 'do cats always land on their feet?' Learn the science behind your favourite feline companion's ability to flip.

Cat Over-Grooming
Cats can spend up to half their waking hours grooming their coats. On occasion, though, you may notice your cat spending far more time than normal taking care of themselves. If your cat is over-grooming, there's a good chance they're reacting negatively in some way to their living environment.

How Smart Are Cats?
When you watch your cats going about their day-to-day lives, it's easy to see signs of their obvious intelligence. They're quite good at aggressively reminding you when it's time for them to eat, and they're also quite good at giving you a wide berth when they see you pull out the cat carrier. It often seems we're more predictable to cats than they are to us. While scientists have studied cat behaviour for centuries, these often-inscrutable animals aren't very amenable to being studied, so it can be hard to tell exactly how smart cats are.

How to Switch Your Cat's Food
You probably already know that eating is one of a cat's favourite things to do. Occasionally, though, you'll find your cat needs a change in its diet. In this guide, we'll examine the reasons you might consider changing your cat's diet and how to switch cat food without disturbing your kitty's delicate system.